BookingJini: Platform That's Putting Hotels Back in the Driver's Seat

Amidst Online Travel Agent dominance, Sibasish Mishra's BookingJini empowers hotels to take charge of bookings, cutting commissions and boosting profits. Discover his journey in transforming the hospitality industry.

Shreshtha Verma
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Imagine a world where hotels are free to manage their own bookings, without the burden of exorbitant commissions from online travel agents (OTAs). Sounds too good to be true? Meet Sibasish Mishra, founder of BookingJini, who's making this vision a reality. Tune in to TICE TV to learn how!

Whenever we book a hotel room, we often can't help but feel like we're at the mercy of online travel agents (OTAs), right? Well, that's exactly why Sibasish Mishra is breaking all stereotypes!

Empowering Hotels: Sibasish Mishra's Inspiring Story

Imagine you're a hotel owner, struggling to manage your online bookings and feeling like you're losing control to OTAs. Every commission fee feels like a punch to your bottom line, and the constant pressure to compete with bigger chains is overwhelming. Sound familiar? Yeah, most hotel owners have been there.

That was Sibasish Mishra's life for years. Even as a seasoned entrepreneur in the hospitality industry, he saw how OTAs were dictating the terms of hotel bookings and taking a huge chunk of the revenue. He thought, "Why can't hotels feel in control of their own bookings?" Why couldn't there be a platform that actually understood what hotels go through, run by hoteliers themselves?

BookingJini: The Game-Changer

BookingJini is a SaaS-based platform that's revolutionizing the hospitality industry by empowering hotels to take control of their online bookings. With over 3,900 hotels on board, the platform is making waves in the industry. But BookingJini isn't just a platform - it's a movement. It's the confidence hotels exude when they take control of their online presence. It's the sense of community they experience when they connect with fellow hoteliers. It's the quiet strength they carry within, knowing they can navigate any situation.

Breaking Free from OTA Chains

BookingJini is empowering hotels to take control of their online bookings, and in doing so, is helping them break free from the shackles of OTAs. For too long, hotels have been at the mercy of OTAs, forced to pay exorbitant commissions and abide by their terms and conditions. But with BookingJini, hotels can now manage their own bookings, set their own rates, and connect directly with their customers. This is a game-changer for the hospitality industry, and a significant step towards creating a more level playing field.

Overcoming Challenges

Sibasish Mishra, founder of BookingJini, recalls the challenging times during the COVID-19 pandemic when the travel industry was severely impacted. Despite the initial shock and revenue drop to zero, Sibasish and his team adapted and pivoted their product, emerging stronger and more resilient. Today, BookingJini has achieved over 10 crores in ARR and is expanding its reach to the US market.

Empowering Hoteliers

BookingJini's mission is to empower hoteliers by reducing their dependence on intermediaries and enabling them to take control of their online bookings. By providing a comprehensive platform for hotels to manage and market their properties, BookingJini is decentralizing the market and promoting a fairer ecosystem. With plans to expand to 12,000 hotel users in the next two years, BookingJini is poised to make a significant impact in the hospitality industry.

To learn more about Sibasish's inspiring journey and the story behind BookingJini, watch the full video on TICE TV. Stay tuned for more enticing startup stories and join the movement towards a more inclusive and empowering hospitality industry.
